5 Important Lessons The Pandemic Taught Me

Medium Writer
2 min readNov 28, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a serious toll on my life, but is it all that bad? What lessons can we learn from this experience? Here are my examples:

Not everything in the world is within human control.

Technological progress has advanced so far that it seemed that man has subjugated almost all spheres of life. Turns out not at all. Man is still defenseless in the face of harsh biology. The virus has no consciousness, no ultimate goal, no plans and no strategy — and it still defeats the weak human being, despite the development of medicine, the presence of artificial intelligence, space missions and the construction of the Large Hadron Collider.

Health Care.

With the onset of the pandemic, absolutely everyone has learned to wash their hands. The sale of lemons has multiplied, and ginger is at the level of delicacy caviar. This suggests that people have taken up massively to strengthen the immune system. Many have started exercising at home, without the need for a gym or the expense of money. We dare to hope that all these habits will remain in people even after the virus has ended.

Stress tolerance.

We watch and read the news, which makes the hair on our heads stand on end. Nerves are wobbly, we have to cope with stress. Many have already found their recipe for stabilizing emotions and react adequately to what is happening. Others just have to find it and lower the stress hormone to optimal values. But we can say unequivocally that the epidemic is a great strain on the collective nervous system, and so far it is doing quite well.

A person doesn’t need much.

To give up unnecessary shopping, entertainment, unnecessary communication. When would we in “normal” life voluntarily refuse to buy another pair of jeans, a cup of coffee or go to the movies? As it turns out, a person can be quite content with little.

Appreciate what we have — family, health, relationships.

In the never-ending race — home, work, home — we forget about those around us. Now, when we are at home, we remind ourselves how important those around us are to us, how quickly our children grow up, how valuable our attention and care are to older relatives.

